What is Truth? Many people insist that there is no ultimate truth and that truth is whatever you make it? Can that be true? Is it true for everyone ? Come on, this may be a convenient way to dodge difficult conversations, but nobody actually lives this widely held idea out in full. If you don't believe that this is true, why is that nobody appreciates being lied to? If we're being completely honest, we do ultimately believe in truth. Jesus’ has much to say about truth and his teachings about truth run completely contrary to the ideas of our present culture: …If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” -John 8:31-32 ESV The Bible is clear that there is a standard of truth that we are all called to live by. In fact, truth is more than a standard. Truth is ultimately a person-- Jesus. The pursuit of truth leads us to recognize Jesus as the author of all truth. Those who revere truth, who seek to l...
You need to do what is right for you . How many times have we heard this? This core cultural value has become a mantra, ever repeating the notion that truth changes from person to person, nation to nation, and even era to era. Many people have have come to believe that they do in fact have their own truth to live by. We might even find ourselves beginning potentially controversial statements with the words "for me" to signal the version of truth that we are holding to. A quick, "you do you," can be added to assure others who hold a differing viewpoint that they are free to claim their own version of the truth. In so many ways we have been conditioned not to question this. In both subtle and direct ways we are pressured to accept that two contrary ideas can simultaneously be true, and that to call someone else’s truth into question is a form of intolerance. The idea that truth changes depending on the person or the circumstance (relative truth) forms the foundation...